In this sixteenth Redwall adventure, Martha Braebuck, a young hare-maid, wheelchair bound since infancy, wonders about a mysterious old poem relating to the ancient abbey of Loamhedge--and whether it may hold the key to her cure.
Furnishing annotations of current, relevant journal and magazine articles, it provides strategies for making changes in the classroom and home that will help improve the literacy of boys. Ben and his black labrador, castaways from the legendary ghost ship Flying Dutchman, swore never to go to sea again.
But fate casts them adrift once more on a French pirate ship, with two villainous sea captains--and a ghost--in pursuit. McKee and Raymond C. When it becomes clear that wheelchair-bound Martha might be cured by a formula buried there, two old warriors are inspired by the spirit of Martin the Warrior himself to go on a quest for the ancient Abbey and three young rebels are determined to go with them.
The valiant Abbeybeasts must defend their home, but how can they, when their boldest warriors are away on their quest? Will Redwall fall to vermin invaders at last? There has never been a Redwall hero quite like Rakkety Tam, the roguish Highlander squirrel who sets off for Mossflower Wood on a mercenary errand and loses his heart to the charms of Redwall Abbey.
Readers will cheer at the return of the Long Patrol, the antics of a renegade vole thief, and the emergence of a new champion to wield the sword of Martin. As fans of Brian Jacques and Redwall know, the adventures just keep getting bigger and bigger. They work and wait for the day their savior will arrive? Meanwhile, young Tiria Wildlough, an ottermaid at Redwall Abbey, pines for her chance to learn the ways of the warrior, much against the wishes of her father. So when an injured osprey arrives at the Abbey, seeking help for its wounds and carrying tales of an embattled clan of otters, young Tiria knows what she must do.
At the same time, the aged badger lord of Salamandastron has sent forth a haremaid, questing for his successor. A brownrat chieftain, with his savage horde, ravages Mossflower Country. The fate of all these creatures, good and evil, is caught up in this saga of war and destiny. The war cry thunders out across the land—Eulalia! On a moonless night, two rats follow hypnotic lights into the forest, never to be seen again.
Such is the power of the Doomwytes, sinister ravens led by the deadly Korvus Skurr. The devious ruler Vilaya the Sable Quean and her hordes of vermin have a plan to conquer Redwall. And when the Dibbuns go missing, the plan is revealed. Will the Redwallers risk their Abbey and all of Mossflower Wood to save their precious young ones? Perhaps Buckler, Blademaster of the Long Patrol, can save the day. He has a score of his own to settle.
And fear not, the Dibbuns are not as innocent as they appear. Redwall Abbey has never seen a creature more evil or more hideous than Razzid Wearat.
Captain of the Greenshroud, a ship with wheels that can sail through water as well as the forest, this beast is a terror of both land and sea, traveling Mossflower Country, killing nearly everything-and everyone- in his path. And his goal? To conquer Redwall Abbey. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of pages and is available in Mass Market Paperback format.
The main characters of this fantasy, fiction story are ,. Please note that the tricks or techniques listed in this pdf are either fictional or claimed to work by its creator.
Yes, I think the Redwall series is a bit more complex, Karen. SM, Audible, owned by Amazon, has the Redwall series on audiobook. However, also check our local library system. Many US library systems are now offering digital checkouts of audiobooks free with your library card number. My local library is very receptive to getting new audiobook titles that are requested too.
I am loving these chapter book reviews and lists! Thank you! I might try Redwall with him instead since he does like animals.
Lydia, Redwall is a great series, but if you would like another suggestion for a fantasy story starring animals, also look at our Green Ember review. There are so many great books out there; I hope you find one your younger child will love!
My son loves adventure series and mice thank you, Stuart Little , so this looks like a perfect series for us to enjoy together.
I will also have to check out the cookbook! Shelley, If your son loves mice that go on adventures, he might like the Mouse and the Motorcycle and The Tale of Despereaux. It does seem there are lots of mice having adventures in literature! Friend's Email Address. Your Name. Your Email Address. Send Email. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Stephanie says:. Redwall by Brian Jacques. Mossflower by Brian Jacques. Mattimeo by Brian Jacques. Salamandastron by Brian Jacques.